Friday Oct 30: Cody Massage Effects: 3-7PM Also on Oct 6, 9, 13, 16, 20, 23, 27, 30:
Cody Massage Effects: Cody Hawley y legal name is Sarah Bridgers, but please call me Cody. I graduated at from Miller-Motte College in 2013 with a 4.0 GPA and I’m a member of National Honor Society. I am a former massage instructor and licensed personal trainer #20154266. For Relaxation, Therapeutic, Reflexology, and Pain Management.
Call for your appointment today! Benefits: Massage helps lower blood pressure, loosen up scar tissue, break up adhesions, reduce tension, relieve bad stress, break up adhesions, relieve trigger points, increase blood flow, increase focus, helps manage anxiety and depression, and over all relaxation.
$40 for 1 hour Swedish $50 for Therapeutic
$25 for 30 min focuses a d reflexology. $1 a minute for chair massage.
I have mobile set up and also set up at Truely Unique.