Email us or call on any questions or other information of the events and classes. And as always please RSVP.
5: Herbal course class 4: 6 PM
6: Movie and game night. 6pm Free bring a dish to share.
7: Simple steps to get back to your spiritual awareness with Osvaldo. 1 PM $10.00
7: House Blessing class. 3 PM $10.00
10: Make up classes for herbal course 6 PM
11: Play Hooky Day: A day visiting museums, or shopping day, call if you want to come along.
12: Stitch and Witch Evening 6pm free
13: Meditation, grounding and centering class 6 PM $15.00.
14 Kindred Spirits: An afternoon of sharing ideas, topics and just plain fun. Topic: Crystals and stones, 3PM free
18: Make up classes for herb course: call to set time. One starts at 2
19: Herbal course class 5: 6 PM
20: New Moon meditation and offering. 6pm. Donation of food or money for food.
21: Candle magic 1PM $10.00
21: Making your own doll for magical use. $20.00 3 PM Go to both classes for $25.00
27: Reiki Gathering. For all of the practitioners’ who want to learn more and share knowledge. Social. 6 pm free
28: Meditation, grounding and centering class. 3 PM $15.00
28: Earth Hour 8:30 PM Turn off your lights/power for one hour. Learn more at
Our tea and incense of the month are: Chakra tea and Ying Yang Incense.