April 8,Saturday: Candle magic and working with candles. Learn how to make candles work better for you. 2 PM $15.00
April 13, Thursday: Meditation, Grounding, & Centering. Learn to de-stress your life and find a relaxing place to go within. 6PM $15.00
April 14th, Friday: Self-esteem and self-worth discussion. Learn the easy ways to be happy with yourself and your life. See how being positive works in your favor. Donation: 6 PM
April 11 thru the 15th: Toad Song Farm will bring in the plants for sale the week of April 11 thru the 15th. They will be here all month.
Sign up for Living Green’s Herbal Course in May by April 19th. Classes start in May. In this course we will teach you the basics to learn and incorporate in your life any and all herbs of your choosing. We will start with the basics and introduce you to the plants themselves, and show you many ways to work with them on a daily basis. This will be the first in a path to healthy herbal living and hopefully a lifetime of growth and happiness with herbals.
This course consists of six classes in twelve weeks. We will have 3 hands on classes where you will be making your own creations. We will supply the basic herbs and ingredients with the course, and you will be given a discount on any other herbals including jars and oils, during the course. This 10% discount will be good until you receive your herbal certificate. Upon completion of this course you will receive a discount for bulk items. (Anything over 6 ounces at a time) Course fee for all of the classes are $125.00 made in one or two payments. If you already signed up I will be contacting you.
April 20th, Sacred Woman program
April 22nd, Saturday: 11th Annual Earth Day Festival: Local Artist, venders, local groups, sign up early to be included in the advertising. Email me your business name, or group name, and what you are offering. Bring your own table and chairs, tents and what you need. This year’s cost is $25.00 or groups offering information is still free. Please share and pass around. See below.
Read about more classes on the calendar or on Facebook.