23 July Reiki Gathering. For all of the practitioners’ who want to learn more and share knowledge. 6 PM free
Author Archives: Truely Unique
Angel Class and aromatherapy
25 July Angel Class and aromatherapy with guest speaker Kristen Peters. Kristen Peters will instruct us on Angels, how to work with them, and show you her line of aromatic Angel sprays and other products. $10.00 2 PM
Please rsvp. http://kristenpeters.net/
Meditation, grounding and centering class
31 July Meditation, grounding and centering class 6 PM $15.00
Making protection Jars
17 July Making protection Jars. $10.00 6 PM
Ouija Class
18 July Ouija Class, learn the proper way to use this form of divination. 2 PM
Making your own incense
18 July Making your own incense. $15.99 (All supplies will be provided.) 4 PM