Intro to Ghosthunting, Scientific and Spiritual

When: Sat, September 22, 12pm – 3pm Where: Truely Unique

Description: This class covers:  the “Ghostcrossers” business and team, Equipment options, Types of ghosts, Forms of protection and why, light balls, “crossing over”, and ghost hunting etiquette.   Each class is 3 hours and cost $25.00 Pay in advance and save $5.00: pay only $20.00 each.  Call the store and sign up before the class fills up.    Continue reading

At the Crossroads

At the Crossroads: A Course in Hoodoo with Sister Sarah

WhenFri, September 21, 5pm – 6pm
WhereTruely Unique Inc (map)
Descriptioncost: $6.00 per class, or both for $10 (Past students can attend this class free) “At the Crossroads” is a yearlong Hoodoo course taught by Sister Sarah, a certified root worker and owner of Candles and Conjure. Each class can be taken individually, and includes hands on experience with herbs, oils and curios. 5 PM



Wicca 101: Class 2

7pm – 8pm Wicca 101: Class 2

Wicca 101: Class 2:This course will cover the basics of Wicca. In this course you will learn about many topics including the differences between a Pagan, a Witch, and a Wiccan, the various parts of ritual, meditation basics, the seven levels of consciousness, who is Deity, mythology, the pagan holidays and much more. We will meet twice a month for a total of 24 lessons. Continue reading

Tarot 101: Class 2

6pm – 7pm Tarot 101: Class 2

Tarot 101: Class 2:Overview of the Tarot such as; how does it work, and how a deck of cards might reveal hidden truths? When this 101 course is finished you will know how to do spreads, and interpret cards. Continue reading