What is going at TU
4 Angel readings, writing and angel channeling. With Angelica noon to 5
6 Chakra class with Darlene 6 PM $20.00 $!5.00 if paid in advanced
7 Crystals and Stones class with Quincy 6PM $15.00
8 Tea Leaf Readings all day with the Baron (David) He is back. 30.00 for 1 hour call for an apt and its $25.00
8 Angel classes 1 PM $20.00 $15.00 if paid in advanced
12 New Moon Meditation class 6 PM $10.00 Group meditation at 7PM free
13 A discussion group for intermediate and advanced astrologers. Analyze charts and discuss information about people or events 6 PM.
15 Shimmy for a Cause
19 What is Mabon, Fall Harvest: learning and discussion group. 6 PM
21 Wise women weekend at Toad Song Farm
22 Wise women weekend at Toad Song Farm
23 Wise women weekend at Toad Song Farm
25 Angel readings, writing and angel channeling. With Angelica noon to 5
27 A discussion group for intermediate and advanced astrologers. Analyze charts and discuss
information about people or events.
28 Hands on smudging and blessing with Quincy 6 PM $10.00
29 Color Therapy with Quincy. noon $15.00
29 How to make Incense with Osvaldo. 3 PM $15.00
4 Tarot Beginners hands on with Quincy $20.00 6 PM
5 Pendulum class with Kay 6 PM $10.00
6 Do the Astrology by Trines. More info to come….
11 A discussion group for intermediate and advanced astrologers. Analyze charts and discuss
information about people or events.
12 Curse breaking with Angelica 6 PM $15.00
13 Scrying with crystal balls and mirrors with Quincy. 1 PM $15.00
16 Angel readings, writing and angel channeling. With Angelica noon to 5
18 Tarot advance with Quincy 6 pm $20.00 Bring your deck.
19 What is Samhaim? How to celebrate and honor this event. Discussion group with Carol, Quincy and Kay. 6 PM with a Samhaim moon blessing around 8 PM picies moon
20 Chakra with Darlene 1 PM 20. 00 or pay in advance for $15.00.
25 A discussion group for intermediate and advanced astrologers. Analyze charts and discuss
information about people or events
27 South Eastern NC Pagan Pride Day Saturday October 27th 10 to 5 PM, at Onslow Co Parks and Rec.
30 Social and bewitching hour with stories by the fire. 8PM Free
31 Samhain/ Halloween Wear your best face, or mask and get your tricks and treats here.
Clearing and balancing your Chakras
Aug 10, 2018 Clearing and balancing your Chakras by Darlene 1 PM read below about class. $20.00 pay in advance only $15.00 please rsvp. 6 PM Aug 10, 2018
July 13th. Writing spells that works with Kay
Writing spells that works with Kay: July 13th. $15.00 6-8 PM
July 14 Personal Curse breaking with Angelica
Personal Curse breaking with Angelica:$15.00. 1 PM July 14
July 20. Crystals and Stones with Quincy
Crystals and Stones with Quincy: Learn the basics of working with crystals and other stones. $10.00 July 20. 6-8PM