Classes and Events:

Friday June 2th: Meditation, Grounding, & Centering 6 PM

Saturday June 3rd:  Celebration of Life for Sonja Johnson 2 to 4 PM

Sunday June 4th: and 18th.  2 PM. Living Green’s Herbal Course

Thursday June 6th: A Walk at the Wilson Botanical Gardens. Plant Recognition Class. 6 PM

Friday June 9th: Meditation, Grounding, & Centering

Saturday June 10th: Soap Making Class with Deb

Friday June 16th and 17th:  301 Endless Yard Sale

Thursday June 22nd: Meditation, Grounding, & Centering

Friday June 23rd: Gaming Night

Saturday, June 24th: A Day with the Angels and the Saints

** for more information see newsletter **

May 2017 Classes & Events

4 May: Sacred Woman’s Program
6 May: Wilson Downtown Porch Tour. We will be there!
12 – 14 May:MayFaire in Washington
18 May: Sacred Woman’s Program
19 May: Self-esteem and self-worth class. donation 6 PM
20 May: Shimmy For a Cause: Belly Dancing at the Boykin Center in Wilson. We are selling tickets.
21 May: Herbal Course 2 PM
25 May: Meditation, Grounding, & Centering 6PM $15.00

*Call for an appointment for Reiki, readings and consultations.

Major Events Coming Soon:

301 Endless Yard Sale: June 16th and 17th
A Day with the Angels and the Saints Saturday, June 24th

Classes and Events for April

April 8,Saturday: Candle magic and working with candles. Learn how to make candles work better for you. 2 PM $15.00

April 13, Thursday: Meditation, Grounding, & Centering. Learn to de-stress your life and find a relaxing place to go within. 6PM $15.00

April 14th, Friday: Self-esteem and self-worth discussion. Learn the easy ways to be happy with yourself and your life. See how being positive works in your favor. Donation: 6 PM

April 11 thru the 15th: Toad Song Farm will bring in the plants for sale the week of April 11 thru the 15th. They will be here all month.

Sign up for Living Green’s Herbal Course in May by April 19th. Classes start in May. In this course we will teach you the basics to learn and incorporate in your life any and all herbs of your choosing. We will start with the basics and introduce you to the plants themselves, and show you many ways to work with them on a daily basis. This will be the first in a path to healthy herbal living and hopefully a lifetime of growth and happiness with herbals.

This course consists of six classes in twelve weeks. We will have 3 hands on classes where you will be making your own creations. We will supply the basic herbs and ingredients with the course, and you will be given a discount on any other herbals including jars and oils, during the course. This 10% discount will be good until you receive your herbal certificate. Upon completion of this course you will receive a discount for bulk items. (Anything over 6 ounces at a time) Course fee for all of the classes are $125.00 made in one or two payments. If you already signed up I will be contacting you.

April 20th, Sacred Woman program

April 22nd, Saturday: 11th Annual Earth Day Festival: Local Artist, venders, local groups, sign up early to be included in the advertising. Email me your business name, or group name, and what you are offering. Bring your own table and chairs, tents and what you need. This year’s cost is $25.00 or groups offering information is still free. Please share and pass around. See below.

Read about more classes on the calendar or on Facebook.

Classes and Events March

Friday March 4th: House Blessing Class: 1 PM $10.00 Learn how to and how often to bless and protect yourself and your home.

Saturday March 8th On International Women’s Day, women and our allies will act together for equity, justice and the human rights of women, through a one-day demonstration of economic solidarity.  Wear red, Stop by, bring your signs showing support for woman’s rights, sit with us on Hwy 301 and support our store. 5 to 7 PM.

The Women’s March supports the feminists of color and grassroots groups organizing the International Women’s Strike on International Women’s Day, March 8th, 2017. In the same spirit of love and liberation that inspired the Women’s March, together we will mark the day by recognizing the enormous value that women of all backgrounds add to our socio-economic system–while receiving lower wages and experiencing greater inequities, vulnerability to discrimination, sexual harassment, and job insecurity.

Anyone, anywhere, can join by making March 8th A Day Without a Woman, in one or all of the following ways:

Women take the day off, from paid and unpaid labor

Avoid shopping for one day (with exceptions for small, women- and minority-owned businesses).

Wear RED in solidarity with A Day without a Woman

Friday March 10th: Tea Party and Class. Learn the history of tea, tea pointers, and tea tasting. 6 PM $15.00.

Saturday March 11th: Candle magic and working with candles. Learn how to make candles work better for you. 2 PM $15.00

Thursday Feb. 16: Meditation, Grounding, & Centering. Learn to de-stress your life and find a relaxing place to go within.  6PM $15.00

Friday March 17th: Self-esteem and self-worth discussion.  Learn the easy ways to be happy with yourself and your life. See how being positive works in your favor. Donation  6 PM

Friday March 24th: House Blessing Class: 6 PM $10.00 Learn how to and how often to bless and protect yourself and your home.

Saturday March 25th: Join us around the fire outside and support Earth Hour.  Turn out those lights and protect our planet. Earth Hour: 8:30 to 9:30 PM. turn off your lights, shut down the circuit breakers for one hour across the globe.

Friday March 31st: Garden Folklore Class.  6 PM $10.00

What is happening this February at Truely Unique

7 Febuary Closing Early at 5 PM
9 February Sacred Woman program 6 PM
10 February House Blessing Class 6 PM $10.00
11 February Chocolate Fest! Come by for the best chocolate delights, meet        some local businesses taste and judge for yourself the best            recipe. 1 to 4 PM Free event. $5.00 to take goodies home with        you.
14 February Closing Early at 5 PM
16 February Meditation, Grounding, & Centering 6PM $15.00
17 February Quincy and Prescott’s Baby Shower. 6 PM all invited
18 February Church of the Eternal Harvest Blessing of the earth and                  scarecrow blessing. 2 PM
18 February TSH meeting 1 PM
21 February Closing Early at 5 PM
22 February Meditation, Grounding, & Centering 6PM $15.00
23 February Sacred Woman program 6 PM
26 February Reiki 1 With Reiki Master Teacher Osvaldo Soto 1 PM

Sale items for the month of:



  •  Buy an ounce of tea and get one free. (loose teas only)                                                            
  • New stones and crystals
  • New Belly dancing clothes and shirts and capes by Lisa
  • Tea cups and teapots 25% off
  • New jewelry, copper bracelets and a basket of bracelets.
  • Fairy statues 50% off    
    Every Thursday and Friday in September: with every purchase over $30.00 you will receive coupon card for the Holiday season. (Over $50.00 in savings)            

                        Many in-store and weekend sales.

Want to learn more sign up for our newsletter.

What classes are we holding this month?  Check out our Calendar.